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Rokuji-ya Tart

Historical long-established specialty “Shikoku-tart"

The “Shikoku Tart”, a famous confectionery of Shikoku, is made by various confectioners in Ehime Prefecture, and “Rokuji-ya Tart” is one of them and is made by Rokuji-ya, who was founded in 1933 in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture.

Ichiroku Tart and Hatada’s Shikoku Tart amomg Shikoku Tart are also famous there, and many locals recommend this “Rokuji-ya Tart”. Incidentally, the “Rokuji-ya” in the name of the confectioner “Rokuji-ya” , meaning 6 o’clock, seems to refer to the position of a clock hands,  and since the long and short hands are straight at 6 o’clock.  The confectioner’s name derives from an idea of the straight hands of the clock, and their business concenpt wants to be ” doing business straightfoward and having honest heart”.

The round sponge cake rolls up sweet bean paste.  This is the standard shape of the so-called Shikoku Tart.

The “yuzu” flavor, which is the identity of Shikoku Tart, is spread.

Rokuji-ya Tart’s sponge cake dough has a relatively fluffy feel. It is very sponge cake-like, and it goes well with the moist koshian (sweet bean paste). It is interesting to see that each store has a different taste among Shikoku tarts.
