
Japanese notation "瑠異沙(るいさ)"
Zabieru Honpo in Oita City, Oita Prefecture, is a very famous confectioner that produces the famous confection “Xavier” but did you know about Zabieru Honpo’s No. 2 most famous confection “Ruisa”?
The product name “Ruisa” seems to have come from the name of a woman inscribed on the tomb of Ruisa, a Christian grave in Shigeoka, Umeme-cho. The name of this confectionery, which is named after the baptismal name of a woman who was a hidden Christian, is a reminder of the history of Oita Prefecture at that time.
Opening the wrapping revealed baked goods wrapped in aluminum foil.
The sponge cake is baked to a golden brown and has a moist texture with a rich buttery flavor.
What a purple color the bean paste inside is! I wonder how such a delicate and beautiful purple color can be obtained by mixing violet liqueur into the white bean paste.
The sponge cake dough and refreshingly sweet red bean paste are exquisite. The color of the filling may surprise you at first, but it has a very natural and gentle flavor. The visual impact of these sweets is so striking that they are sure to make a pleasant surprise as a souvenir.