
Japanese notation "秩父焼"
“Chichibu-yaki” made by Chichibu-an Tamakiya in Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture, is a pie filled with walnut bean paste. Tamakiya makes sweets used local ingredients representing the keyword “cherish the blessings of Chichibu’s climate”.
At first glance, it is hard to image of anko pie, red bean paste filled pie because of the elongated shape.
As we can see, this is a small oval shaped pie. Sapporo Senshuan’s “Northman” in Hokkaido and Bizenya’s “Tefukoto-no-Shirabe” in Okazaki city are also famous for red bean paste filled pies and this firmly exsists as a local pie in Saitama.
It is a light reddish red bean paste.
The lightly sweet red bean paste has just a hint of saltiness and is very well balanced. Chichibu has beautiful streets with a sense of history, and it has an image of great town having many historical confectioners who love their hometown.