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Hakodate Financier

Financier made by a long-established confectionery store in Hokkaido with a long history

“Hakodate Financier” is made by Senjuan Sohonke locates n Hakodate City, Hokkaido. They are a long-established Japanese confectionery with a long history, established in 1860 (Man’en’s first year). In a sense, they are kinda predecessor of the current Sapporo Senjuan and Rokkatei, and said they built the foundation of Hokkaido’s souvenir culture.

Therefore, Senju-an locates in Sapporo and Senju-an locates in Hakodate are two different confectioners. Personally, I am familiar with the “Northman” and “Yama-Oyaji” sweets made by Senjuan in Sapporo, so I have a fresh impression of the other Senjuan’s sweets.

This “Hakodate Financier” iwas named in the sense that it is a financier made by a pastry shop in Hakodate, and it looks very authentic.

The dough is moist and like a soft financier.

This luxurious financier is richly flavored with the taste of butter and the aroma of almonds.

Hokkaido Island