
Japanese notation "くるみゆべし(駒田屋)"
“Kurumi-Yubeshi” made by Komadaya Honpo in Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture is a traditional sweet steamed dumpling arranged in Tohoku-style. The confectionary is also famous for “Misopan“.
The standard style of Yubeshi is different between eastern and western Japan. Yubeshi made in Kyoto and other parts of the Kansai region often contains yuzu (Japanese citron), while those in the Tohoku region contains walnuts. It is said that yuzu replaced with walnuts because of difficulty of getting yuzu in the Tohoku region at that time.
It is also said that Yubeshi was originally more like a preserved or portable food other than a sweet confectionery, and it became wagashi what we know today over time.
In any case, I prefer walnut version to yuzu-flavored one. The simple sweetness of the bouncy dough with savory walnuts is universally delicious.
It has a delicious simple sweetness and just the right amount of crunchiness from the walnuts. It is a taste that could only come from Komadaya, which continues to make traditional and simple confections.