Gouter des Princes

Japanese notation "グーテ・デ・プリンセス"
“Gouter des Princes” made by Gateaufesta Harada is a cute little bird-shaped gateau sable. Starting with “Gouter” of the confectionary name, it reminds us it is a standard rusk series, but it is a sable. By the way, the French word “Gouter” means to taste as well as to have a snack.
It is a very cute package. It is inevitable that the shape reminds us the “Hato Sablé” when we seee it.
Of course, compared to “Hato Sablé”, it is more like a cute little bird wearing a crown with a round bird shape.
It is crispy, and the outside is well baked and crispy. The texture is quite different from that of Hato Sablé.
I couldn’t help but compare it to the Hato Sablet, but this one has a richer buttery flavor. The size is a little smaller, but it is reasonable cost at JPY 103 per piece included tax. It is a very satisfying and tasty sablefish.