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Unique looking rice crackers that look like ancient coins tied up with string

“Aterazawa-senbei” made by Azumaya, a confectionery shop in Oe-machi, Yamagata Prefecture, is a rice cracker with a unique shape. The bite-sized “ring” shaped rice crackers are tied up with a string.

In Oe-machi, people used to offer this rice cracker in the shape of money when they made their first visit to the three mountains of Dewa in a year.

The rice crackers are baked in the shape of a circle and tied together with a straw rope.

It is baked in a golden brown applied with soy sauce,  and the bite size is good for a snack.

It is very unique and interesting to be able to experience such traditional culture through purchasing the confectionary as souvenir.  It will be pleased to have such cute souvenir.
