Gouter de Roi Sommeliers

Japanese notation "グーテ・デ・ロワ ソムリエ"
“Gouter de Roi Sommeliers” made by Gateaufesta Harada in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, is a rusk of the well-known Gouter de Roi series. This is created with wine in mind. The Gouter de Roi series is basically a sweet pastry, but this one is very different from the others. This goes well with meals as an hors d’oeuvre rusk.
A wine bottle is drawn in white color on the package and said “Rusk goes well with wine” clearly.
It looks like containing many different spices in the rusk, but they are Parmigiano-Reggiano, a high-grade cheese, and porcini, a mushroom kneaded richly into the French bread dough.
Other than that, a tremendous variety of other fine ingredients and spices are kneaded into the little rusks, such as basil, nutmeg and so on.
Delicious! It is not a sweet rusk but is like an Italian meal, cannot stop eating it. I had this with beer and it also goes so well.
I can see the broad potential of the Goutte des Rois series.