Shutsujin Mochi

Japanese notation "出陣餅"
The “Shutsujin Mochi” made by Kanazawa Sohonpo in Joetsu, Niigata Prefecture, is a rice cake covered with soybean flour and brown sugar, and its style and packaging way are similar to the nationally famous “Kikyo Shingen Mochi“, a famous confectionery in Yamanashi. However, there is a definite difference between the two, which makes for an interesting rivalry.
Kikyo Shingen Mochi is associated with Shingen Takeda of Kai, and this “Shutsujin Mochi” is originated in Niigata and is more like a rice cake of Kenshin Uesugi of Echigo.
The structure in the package is similar to that of Shingen mochi, housed in a plastic case containing a little bottle of kuromitsu, brown sugar syrup, and is filled with soybean flour.
A green rice cake emerges from the soybean flour. Yes, the rice cake is made of Yomogi (Japanese mugwort). Comparing to soft, transparent “warabi-mochi-like” Kikyo Singen mochi, this is a firm Yomogi-mochi.
Both mochi are reminiscent of the rivalry between Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin, and both are delicious.