Kikyou-Shingen mochi

Japanese notation "桔梗信玄餅"
“Shingen-mochi” is a major confectionery that no longer needs explanation, but I did not know that it is a representative of Yamanashi Prefecture. Among them, the Shingen mochi made by Kikyouya is the most famous.
The name “Shingen” is associated with Shingen Takeda, the lord of Kai in the Warring States Period and a symbolic figure of Yamanashi Prefecture.
Shingenmochi’s unique “small bento” package! Although the package is made of plastic, it is wrapped in a furoshiki (wrapping cloth), giving each item a special feeling. The size is cute, isn’t it?
When you open the wrapping, you will find a mini tube case with molasses on top of the lid. The soybean flour will inevitably spill out of the container, so it is very important to open the package on the plastic furoshiki and mix it with the molasses. It becomes quite difficult to eat well outdoors on a windy day, so eat it indoors in a safe space lol.
Mochi rice cake swirled in a tremendous amount of soybean flour. This is served with molasses.
The container is already full of mochi and soybean flour, so be careful when pouring in the molasses.
It’s done, definitely a delicious one.
Mochi and soybean flour, and molasses are all mixed together in perfect harmony. It is so delicious that even Takeda Shingen would have had no choice but to praise it when he ate it.