Mon Paris

Japanese notation "もんぱり"
“Mon Pari” are made by “Tago-no-Tsuki” in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture. This confectioner is famous for “Tago-no-Tsuki” which is also the name of the store, but they also have Western-style confections such as “Bouchée”. On the bottom of the package, there is a small “mon paris” written, which directly translates to “My Paris” in French.
There seem to be two types of jam, cheese Bouchée and apricot jam, but this time I bought the apricot jam one.
It looks like a standard Bouchée. The confectionery is famous for its Japanese sweets, but it also seems to have a high-quality lineup of Western-style confections.
Inside is a generous amount of apricot jam.
The apricot jam has a good balance of sourness and sweetness, and the sponge dough bouche is light and fluffy, but has a firm, chewy texture. I should have bought the cheese cream one, too.