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Fuji-san Okage-mochi

Deformed Mt. Fuji is too cute manju

I bought “Fuji-san Okage-mochi” made by a long-established confectionery shop “Tago-no-Tsuki” in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture. The package design is quite impressive.

The word “富(wealth)” is depicted on the package in a red Sanskrit-like graphic. The Mt. Fuji depicted on the package looks quite rugged and austere.

However, when I opened the package, a manju with a cute deformed Mt. Fuji depicted on the package was so different that I laughed a little, it was so cute.


Inside is a light Ogura-an, which is a perfect match for the chewy manju dough. It is a definite combination of manju.

“Tago-no-Tsuki” is a confectioner in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, so I am sure that their manju are filled with gratitude and respect for Mt. It was a delicious and cute manju.
