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Tokyo Hiyoko Sablé


Is it a rule that the side view of the "bird" is Sablé?

I bought a “Tokyo Hiyoko Sablet” made by “Tokyo Hiyoko,” which is famous for producing “Meika Hiyoko. At first glance, I thought it was from the “Hato-Sablé” series by Toshimaya, but it was in the shape of a Hiyoko(chick).


Silhouette of a chick from the side through the package. I know it’s not a pigeon, but it looks just like a “Hato-Sablé” lol.


A fairly thick sable baked to a golden brown. The branding is the same technique as that used for Hiyoko, a famous confectionery.


It took more force than I expected to break it in half because of its thickness.” It is much sturdier than the “Hato-Sablé” and breaks with a cracking motion.


The aroma of eggs, wheat, and butter is well-balanced, and the taste is unmistakable. The texture is harder than that of the “Hato-Sablé” made by Toshimaya, and the egg flavor is more robust. It has a chewy, crunchy texture and a simple sweetness that lingers in the mouth.
