Rond Cache-Cache

Japanese notation "ロンド・カシュカシュ"
“Blanca” is a confectioner that produces sweets in Ise City, Mie Prefecture, and makes a very talented madeleine “Shell Leines” I also found an almond cake called “Rond Cache-Cache” which I bought.
”Huge!” It looks like a flat circular almond cake, and it is super reasonable to buy it at this size for about 200 yen. By the way, the name “Rond” means “round” in French, and “Cache-Cache” means “hide-and-seek”.
It is baked to a crisp and the top is generously sprinkled with sliced almonds and pomegranates.
The size is about 10 cm in diameter. It is a very heavy and hearty baked cake.
Even when cut in half, it is this thick, and I think this volume is rare for a baked pastry. The inside has a moist texture.
The cake is crunchy on the outside and moist on the inside. The aroma of almonds and the deliciousness of the sponge cake are wonderful. I bought this cake with a lot of trust, partly because it was baked by the confectioner who makes “Shell Leines” but I never expected such a high quality cake in this size from such a wonderful confectioner.