Kurayoshi Cheese Bouchée

Japanese notation "倉吉チーズブッセ"
Kurayoshisha, a confectioner in Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture, makes “Kurayoshi Cheese Bouchée” a pastry made with sour cheese cream and cubes of processed cheese wrapped in a Bouchée.
The illustration of a cow on the package and the image of dairy farming also flourishing in Tottori suggest that the product may be made from locally produced dairy products.
When opened, it has the appearance of a so-called standard bushel.
The cheese cream inside looks like sour cream, and blocks of cheese seem to be mixed into the cream and are visible in places.
The cheese cream sandwiched inside is gently sweet with a fresh creaminess, and the slightly salty grainy block of cheese is a delicious balance that complements the sweetness of the entire bouquet.