Kurodora (Ena Kawakamiya)
Western like Dorayaki with buttery aroma of Anno sweet potato paste
Japanese notation "栗きんとん焼き餅"
Ena Kawakamiya famous for its “Kuri-kinton” in Ena City, Gifu Prefecture, has released a new product called “Kuri-kinton Yaki-mochi” which I bought.
The skin of the manju is relatively thin, but very sticky. The outside is crispy. The skin also seems to have a two-layer structure.
The top layer of chestnut red bean paste is slightly purple, and the red bean paste inside seems to be made up of two layers.
Two layers of gradation of chestnut red bean paste and azuki red bean paste, chewy manju skin, unique texture and taste. The quality of the chestnut kinton is still very high, and we enjoyed the chestnut kinton manju with its unique texture.