
Japanese notation "栗きんとん(恵那川上屋)"
Ena Kawakamiya, located in Ena City, Gifu Prefecture, is famous for its chestnut kinton. The area from Ena City to Nakatsugawa in Gifu Prefecture has long been known for its high-quality chestnuts, and is considered the birthplace of chestnut kinton.
This time, I would like to introduce “Kurikinton” by “Ena Kawakamiya”. It doesn’t last very long, or rather, it only lasts for about a day, so it is not a suitable souvenir, but it is a famous confectionery, so I will try it.
The wrapping paper reads “Ena Kawakamiya”.
Each piece is individually hand-drawn, so the texture is very delicate.
It means that the only ingredients are “chestnuts” and “sugar”. Wow, 100% natural ingredients.
It is delicious. The simple but natural sweetness lingers in the mouth. It is more delicious than chestnuts themselves. I enjoyed the taste of “traditional chestnut kurikinton” made with high-quality chestnuts.