Enaguri Manjū

Japanese notation "胞衣栗万頭"
“Ena Kawakamiya” is famous for “Kurikinton” in Ena City, Gifu Prefecture, and I also bought a “Enaguri Manjū(chestnut manju)”.
Incidentally, “ena” refers to the placenta, which contains the umbilical cord, and I think the name is derived from the word “manju,” meaning “chestnut wrapped in a bun.
When the package was opened, a manjuu with letters branded on it appeared. It looks powerful or dignified.
The manju skin is filled with chestnut red bean paste. The texture of the manju skin is like bread dough.
The chestnut’s original aroma comes alive in the red bean paste. It is just like eating a “high-quality chestnut kinton” as it is. I was impressed by the uncompromising quality of the chestnut buns made by Ena Kawakamiya, which has been making chestnut sweets for a long time.