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Gotōken Beef Stew RiceCrackers

Hakodate's Goshimaken Beef Stew Reproduced in "Okaki"

Gotō-ken is a long-established Western-style restaurant with a long tradition in Hakodate, Hokkaido. The package has an illustration of the Gotō-ken building and its logo written clearly on it.

五島軒 ビーフシチューおかきパッケージ

The founder opened a bakery in Hakodate in 1879, which was the beginning of “Restaurant Gotō-ken” The name of the restaurant “Gotō-ken” comes from the surname of Eikichi Gotō, the first head chef, who was from the Gotō Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture.

五島軒 ビーフシチューおかきを開封

It’s an assortment pack, so the quantity is a quick and easy amount to eat. And the powder sprinkled abundantly around the okaki has a beef stew-like color. The aroma is exactly like beef stew, with a demi-glace sauce-like aroma and spicy flavor.

五島軒 ビーフシチューおかきを食べる

They are small but luxurious. Aromas of aged tomato paste, beef and demi-glace go well with the simple okaki.

Hokkaido Island