Chara Choko Pi-kan

Japanese notation "キャラちょこぴーかん"
“Chara Choko Pi-kan” made by “Ishigama Bakery Birthday” a bakery that mainly operates in Miyagi Prefecture, is not bread, but chocolate with nuts. The taste, however, is quite perfect and a bit shockingly delicious, so let us introduce it to you.
“Pi-Kan” stands for “pecan nut” Incidentally, pecan nuts are a type of nut native to North America, similar to walnuts, but they are rich in fat and have a luxurious flavor different from walnuts.
Powder covered chunks. The pecan nuts seem to be wrapped in chocolate and covered in caramel flavored powder.
The powder alone is extremely delicious.
Cut in half, it looks like this: inside are pecan nuts covered in white chocolate.
Very tasty. This was quite a personal hit. The pecan nut itself is rich and tasty, but the chocolate and caramel powder combine to create an exquisite combination. I highly recommend you give this a try.