Almond Chocolate Sand Beni-Imo

Japanese notation "アーモンドチョコレートサンド 紅いも"
“Okashi Goten” located in Yomitan Village, Okinawa, makes a variety of confections using Okinawan red potatoes.” The company has been making unique Okinawan sweets since 1979, and now operates an amusement park where visitors can enjoy making sweets and other hands-on leisure activities.
“Almond Chocolate Sandwich Beni-Imo(Red Potato)” made by “Okashi-Goden” is one of the most popular sweets made from Beni-Imo among all kinds of sweets made from Red Potato. It is a flavorful galette cookie filled with almonds and sandwiched with chocolate cream made from Okinawan red potatoes.
The cream inside is a bright purple color.
In Okinawa, fish and fruits are often brightly colored with primary colors.
The almond galette was thinly baked and had a nice mouthfeel, and the chocolate cream was simple and refreshing, conveying the taste and natural sweetness of the red potatoes. The butter and almonds in the galette were a good match with the red potatoes.