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Nanbu Senbei (Mentaiko Flavor)


Nambu-Senbei intentionally broken for taste.

Speaking of Nanbu Senbei, Iwateya is famous for its crackers, but there was a product that I had never tried before, so I bought it. The name of the product is “Oniwari Mentaiko Flavor”

It seems that Iwateya also offers a series of cracked rice crackers packed in a bag.


I think it is because “the purpose of cracking the rice cracker is to push the seasoning more strongly (to soak the flavor into the rice cracker)”. It was that shockingly delicious.


They come in the bag in a rather disjointed state, as shown here. The size of each piece is relatively uniform, and the size of the pieces seems to have been intentionally broken up.


As you can see in the photo, the mentaiko sauce is also soaked into the side of the rice cracker. This must be how it is seasoned well.


Delicious! It was quite shockingly delicious. Flavorful and dark, perfect with beer.
