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Moon Galette


Unexpectedly delicious "walnut and soy sauce rice cake" in a galette!

“Moon Galette” made by “Ariake”, famous for “Yokohama Harbor“, was a delicious pastry with an unexpected flavor that I could not have imagined from the name and appearance of the pastry.


Incidentally, galette is written in French as “galette” and means “a dish baked in a circle,” but in Japan it is often used to refer to a Brittany-style galette made of thinly baked buckwheat flour dough. The letters and moon pattern printed on the surface of the pastry are stylish.


The filling in the galette was surprisingly a combination of sesame, walnut, and soy sauce rice cake.


It was a rather unexpected approach, but the taste was a blend of Japanese and Western flavors that was typical of Yokohama.
