
Japanese notation "じゃんがら"
The word “Jan-Gara” may remind you of “Jan-Gara ramen” in Kyushu, but it originally comes from “Jan-Gara nenbutsu odori”, a local performing art in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. I would like to introduce a snack called “Jan-Gara” that I found.
”Jan-Gara Nenbutsu Odori” is a dance festival in which people go around the town beating bells and drums, and is held for three days from August 13 to 15 every year. The festival is known as a summer tradition in Iwaki.
Such a pastry named “Jangara” is an amazing volume. It is made of a pancake-like dough with anko (red bean paste) sandwiched in between, but it is quite heavy.
The pancake-like batter that sandwiches the red bean paste is cooked with only eggs and milk, without water, and the surface of the crust is dusted with powdered sugar. It had a very rustic and delicious flavor.
The red bean paste was substantial and rich. It was a very satisfying and luxurious pastry.