Ofutaride (mocha)

Japanese notation "おふたりで(モカ)"
The package depicts “two flowers of ‘nirin-sou’ blooming like two flowers cuddling together from one plant. The name of the Dacquoise is “for the both of you. It is an excellent concept that is typical of Rokkatei.
This is my first time to try Rokkatei’s Dacquoise, and the rough outer dough looks delicious.
When I split it in half, the delicate dacquoise pastry crumbled, but there was plenty of cream inside. The butter cream with chopped bitter chocolate, I think there are many fans of the “mocha” flavor made by Rokkatei. I am one of them.
The dacquoise dough is still highly perfected! The outside is crispy and coarse, coated with refined sweet sugar, but the sponge texture is coarse and airy and fluffy. It was like a perfect bouche. Rokkatei is a company that has been able to create all kinds of sweets at a high level, and I must say that I am impressed.