
Japanese notation "虎饅頭"
“Tora-manju” is made by “Meibust Kamado” in Sakaide City, Kagawa Prefecture. The kanji character for “tiger” written strongly on the package. It is a cool package.
The concept behind the manju is “as strong as a tiger,” and the first thing to note is that it is huge! When you hold it, it is so heavy that it is hard to believe it is a single manjuu.
It is about 7 cm in diameter and probably more than 2 cm thick.
It looks very powerful from the side. The manju skin is baked to a golden brown and looks very delicious.
When you break it open, you will find that it is filled with mashed sweet bean paste.
The thick manju skin is delicious! The tsubuan (sweet bean paste) inside is also standard deliciousness, and the desire to “eat a lot of manju” is fulfilled with just one doughy piece. It was a very satisfying manju.