
Japanese notation "柿もなか"
I heard that there is a monaka with “persimmon-only bean paste” and bought it at the Nara Mahoroba Museum. Kaki Monaka” made by a ”Kaki no Senmon” in Nara Prefecture.
It looks like an ordinary “monaka”, but when you break it open, you will find a lot of “persimmon bean paste”.
If you imagine eating a regular monaka with azuki bean paste, you will be surprised. The natural sweetness of the fruit and the flavor of persimmon fill your mouth with a richness that makes you feel as if you are eating the persimmon itself.
”Kaki no Senmon” is a company with a catchphrase “Persimmon as a wonderful fruit” and directly managed stores. They are pursuing the possibilities of persimmon and producing all kinds of products.