Sasa-dango Pan

Japanese notation "笹だんごパン"
The “Sasa-Dango Pan” made by Kotake Seika in Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture, founded in 1924, has a cute package with a panda standing up like a king, but I was curious what kind of sweets they were, so I bought some.
The round shape of the bread is superimposed on the body of the panda. The panda is also written in the texture of bamboo grass, giving it a “sasa-dango” feel. It is cute.
It looks like a small cobbler bread.
When I split it in half, I was surprised. “What is this! Did they really put a whole Sasa-dango in the bread!?”
The bread is filled with dango as it is.
The balance between the bread, mochi, and anko (red bean paste) is well thought out, and the bread tastes just like a manju (Japanese sweet bun). It is also a good souvenir to bring back to your home.