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Choco-manju Kabuki-mon


Chocolate manju with milk bean paste

I bought a chocolate bun from “Akanemaru,” a long-established manufacturer of red bean paste located in Shitennoji, Osaka. Akanemaru is quite famous as a company that has been producing various kinds of red bean paste since its establishment in 1940.


The package also features an illustration of a character named “Akentaro” running around while singing, which gives the product a somewhat haughty atmosphere.


The chocolate bun looks like a standard manju, but the chocolate dough is firm and feels heavy for its small size.


The filling was white bean paste, but it was “milk bean paste” made by the company itself.


The milk red bean paste and the slightly bitter taste of the chocolate dough go well together. The milk red bean paste has a sticky consistency and a very rich taste. The sweetness of the buns is quite sweet, so children will enjoy them.
