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Mogamigawa Awayuki


The texture is just like light snow.

Mogamigawa Awayuki is truly a new texture. It needs to be kept frozen, so I ate it right out of the freezer, and it was so fluffy I couldn’t believe it had been frozen.


Made with meringue and whipped cream, this pastry is very light. I ate it in a cold ice cream state, and it was surprisingly fluffy and soft, with a subtly sweet texture. I thought it was aptly named “Awayuki” (light snow).


A layer of anko (red bean paste) is sandwiched inside, with an elegant Ogura-an flavor. The outer dough is made of meringue and whipped cream, and its texture is hard to describe.


Just like “light snow”, it disappears in no time. It is like a luxurious ice cream. It is hard to describe the new texture of the sponge part, but I would like you to experience it for yourself.
