Tanba Kuro-mame sablet

Japanese notation "丹波黒豆サブレ"
Nakajima Daishodo was founded in Osaka in 1912 and has a history more than 100 years. The “Tanba Kuromame Sablet” is a baked sablet made from Tanba black beans and mixed into the dough.
”Tambaguro” is a large black soybean, which is a specialty product of Hyogo Prefecture. It has been popular as an essential ingredient for New Year’s osechi dishes, a special dishes prepared for the New Year Holidays, in Hyogo region. The concept of the sable made from Soybeans is interesting. The confectioner uses local specialities to make their products.
We can see the black soybean skin kneaded into the dough.
It is quite light and crispy, almost like a nut cookie with soy.
The crunchiness is amazing, as it has a rich aroma of the soybeans and butter. Those balancing is so well. It looks like a high level of know-how is condensed into it after went through cultivating experiences over 100 years. The confectioner also makes other kinds of baked sweets and I will try them.