Glocal Baum

Japanese notation "グローカルバウム (西山きんとき芋)"
The “Glocal Baum” is a baumkuchen that utilizes local specialties from various regions in Kochi Prefecture. Thhis was produced from a joint development project involving Josaikan, a long-established ryokan, Viva Sawatari, a brand of tea farmers, and Kochi Commercial High School there.
There are five kinds of baumkuchen, including yuzu (yuzu), Nichinichi salt caramel, Nishiyama kintoki sweet potato, Yamakita mandarin orange, and strawberry. This time I bought the Nishiyama kintoki sweet potato. This baumkuchen is made from “Nishiyama Kintoki,” a brand-name sweet potato from the Nishiyama plateau in Muroto City, Kochi Prefecture.
It looks like an ordinary baumkuchen, but is different from others. It has a soft sweet potato aroma.
A moist baked baumkuchen. It also has the texture of a sweet potato pound cake because of the abundant aroma of sweet potatoes.
Soft, sweet, and delicious, it is wonderful that Josaikan, a very long-established ryokan (Japanese inn) established in 1874, is actively involved in this kind of project. This series of baumkuchen seem to have a sense of solidarity in Kochi Prefecture.