
Japanese notation "彦一もなか"
“Hikoichi-Monaka” made by Hiko-ichi Confectionary Shop who was established in Yatsushiro City, Kumamoto Prefecture in 1896 (Meiji 29) is a bean-jam-filled wafer. The confectionary name “Hikoichi” dirives from a main character in a story, Hikoichi Tonchi-Banashi, which is a traditional story there.
“Hikoichi-Monaka” went on sale in 1953 and later became the store’s signature product, and is now well known as a representative confectionery of Yatsushiro City, Kumamoto Prefecture. The printed character, Hikoichi on the package is irresistibly cute.
The wafer shapes nito chubby and cute.
A dense weet jelly bean paste is filled and it is quite heavy.
The filling is light sweet than expected. Nevertheless, the filling of the sweet bean paste is very satisfying. It is recommended to have it with strong green tea or maccha tea.