YOKOI Chocolate Rusk

Japanese notation "YOKOIチョコラスク"
“YOKOI Chocolate Rusk” is made by Yokoi Chocolate Co. in Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture. Yokoi Chocolate was founded in 1945 as Yokoi Shoten, a confectionery wholesaler, and has a history of nearly 80 years.
Among their variety of confections, they have poured their passion particulary into chocolate so that they launched Yokoi Chocolate brand in 2016 and began its projection and sales. The cocept of the projection is to enable consumers to easily enjoy delicious & highly qualified chocolate.
Soaked the rusk in a sufficient amount of high-quality cholocate, and the size is small but is heavy and substantial. “Fukukomugi”, a brand wheat grown in local is 100% used for the rusk and it gives a delicious crunchy texture. It tastes high quality chocolate with the rusk.