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Mizuyokan (Mochi no Tanakaya)

feeling wintery atmosphere from a snowy rabbit drawn on the package.

“Mizuyokan” made by “Mochi no Tanakaya” in Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture is a soft sweet beans jelly.  It is a custom to eat that in winter there.

Having this MIzuyokan in winter is a seasonal tradition in Fukui.  As well as this confectionery, snowy rabbit is another seasonal tradition which is printed on the package. It is cute.

The jelly is blanketed fully in the square package and a wooden spatula is included.  This looks standard style of Mizuyokan in Fukui.

It includes quite amount of Mizuyokan. Since it tastes very light texture, it is easy to eat up all by one person in local.

This is quite simple sweet beans jelly hardened with agar and it looks like a light texture through the transparency appearance.  This is slightly softer texture than  “Egawa no mizuyokan” I had before.

A flavor of brown sugar is distinctive characteristic of Fukui’s mizuyokan.  Their MIzuyokan is also a traditional winter sweets in Fukui.
