Koware Shio Senbei

Japanese notation "こわれ塩せんべい"
“Koware Shio Senbei”, salted rice crackers, made by Sansio-san in Nakagami County, Okinawa Prefecture, has been popular there for a long time. Since Okinawa was under the rule of the U.S. A. after the war, wheat flour was more abundant than rice, so rice crackers were often made from wheat flour, and this “Koware Shio Senbei” is also made from wheat flour.
It is a light-textured rice cracker made from wheat flour and seasoned with simply salt.
It tastes very light and crispy texture and it is a little hard to believe it is made from flour. Also it looks like a Pon pastry. I wonder how they bake the the rice craker to make such texture from flour
The savory aroma of wheat is a different flavor of poncakes made from rice. And anyway, it has a light texture.
It is crispy, fluffy, and gentle. It has been loved in Okinawa for a long time, and I presume that this simple taste must be the secret of the long-seller.