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In the Kansai area around Nara Prefecture, dorayaki is called "Mikasa".

Mansho Doh, locates in Nara City, Nara Prefecture, was founded in 1890 and is a very long-established confectionery shop who mainly produces traditional Japanese sweets. I bought “Mikasa” made by them this time.

In the Kansai area around Nara, “Dorayaki”, bean-jam pancake is often called “Mikasa,” which is derived from its similarity in shape of Mount Mikasa in Nara City.  A Waka, Japanese Tanka poem is printed on the package. The poem was composed by Abe no Nakamaro, who was one of  famous poet for the Hyakunin Isshu (One Hundred Poems).

It is called “Mikasa,” but it looks exactly like Dorayaki itself.

It is very authentic Dorayaki. The texture of the  crust is moist, fluffy, and of high quality.

No doubt the Dorayaki is made so perfectly by an old Japanese confectioner like them. No, it’s not a Dorayaki but “Mikasa”.  Anyway, the sweetness of the Ogura-an, pasted sweet beans is very delicate, and the sense of unity with the crust is superb. I am sure there are many people who love Dorayaki, so please try “Mikasa” in Nara.
