
Japanese notation "廣瀨川"
Hirose-gawa, named after the river Hirose-gawa that flows through Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture, is a madeleine-like baked pastry made with lots of butter and eggs by the confectionery “Baron” in Maebashi.
The package says “Sakutaro loved the Hirose River. Sakutaro means “Sakutaro Hagiwara,” a poet from Maebashi City. He was active in the Taisho era (1912-1926) and is known as the “father of modern Japanese poetry”.
It looks like a cupcake. It is the size of a madeleine with a moist texture.
The outside is browned to a golden brown, and the aroma of burnt butter permeates the air.
The texture is very moist and you can feel the weight of the cake. The butter and almond flavors are strong and rich. It was a luxurious taste that convinced me that it was made by “Baron” a confectionery store in Maebashi City.