Rokkatei’s Castella

Japanese notation "カステラ(六花亭)"
I bought Rokkatei’s Castella. Although the image of Castella is Nagasaki Prefecture, we have high expectations for Castella made by Rokkatei, one of the leading confectionery makers in Hokkaido.
First of all, the package is full of Rokkatei flavor. The “Castella” in a retro font on a plant illustration is adorable. The package design is very Rokkatei.
It is a standard looking sponge cake, but it is nice that each slice is sold individually wrapped.
It is thicker than a typical slice of sponge cake. It has a moist texture and a thick volume.
The fact that it tastes as good as a standard “Castella” is what you would expect from Rokkatei. It was a delicious taste with a sense of high basic quality.