Matsumoto Kakimochi

Japanese notation "松本かきもち"
“Kaiundo” located in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, is a long-established confectionery shop with a history of over 130 years, since its establishment in 1884. Kaiundo has many sweets with unique concepts, such as “Koreha-Umai” and “Pique-nique Castella” but this “Matsumoto Kakimochi” was just a traditional “rice cracker” with a sense of traditional strength.
Simple package. It seems to be made from “Azumino rice” grown in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture.
It looks like a standard, simple rice cracker, but the finely cracked surface shows that the soy sauce sauce has been well soaked into the cracker.
The texture is exquisite. The outside is crispy, but the inside is still slightly soft, and as you chew it, you can feel the delicious chewy texture of the rice. I felt that this was one of the best rice crackers I have ever eaten. It was simple, but had a very deep flavor.