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Naruto-kintoki Potato

Tart with the natural sweetness of Naruto kintoki.

”Naruto-kintoki Potato” are made by Hatada-Honpo, a confectioner based in Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture, which is also famous for selling “Doraichi“.

It is like a tart baked with Naruto kintoki paste on top. The top is golden brown and looks delicious baked in the oven.

Incidentally, “Naruto Kintoki” is a brand sweet potato that represents Tokushima, nurtured by the mild climate and high-quality sandy soil in these designated areas. Only those produced in Naruto City and some areas of Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, can claim the name “Naruto Kintoki”.

Unlike sweet potatoes made with a lot of butter, we feel that the light flavor makes the most of the goodness of the Naruto kintoki ingredients. The texture of the sweet potato and the cookie dough of the tart go well together, and it was refreshing and delicious.
