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Bread is often named as the soul food of the Kinki region.

When it comes to local bread in the Osaka area, this “Sanmy” is by far the most famous. Many people in the Kanto area may not know about it, but those who grew up in the Kinki area have probably had it at least once.

It was named “Sanmy” meaning “three flavors(3味)” because the bread, chocolate, and cake batter can be enjoyed at the same time. It was first sold in 1971, so it has been a favorite sweet bread for more than 50 years.

The top is like cookie dough and covered with chocolate.

The cross section shows custard cream. The texture is like Danish dough, but it is quite thick.

The cookie dough, chocolate, and custard cream all come together to create a luxurious experience. This bread is often named as Osaka’s soul food, and it is a delightful sweet bread for young people because of its generous volume.
