The potential of the chestnut fruit is maximized as it is.
Japanese notation "巻きどら(日影茶屋)"
“Maki-dora” from “Hikage Chaya” in Hayama-cho, Miura-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture. Established in the mid-Edo period as a teahouse on a mountain pass, Hikage Chaya is a very long-established teahouse that has been serving tea and snacks to travelers passing along the highway for over 300 years.
The “Maki-dora” is a standard item in Hikage Chaya’s lineup of wagashi, and is made by wrapping a piece of dorayaki dough around a piece of azuki bean paste.
It is like a compactly rounded stick of dorayaki.
It is a traditional sweet, but it is good that it is easy to eat. The richness of the deep red bean paste and the moist, chewy crust are a perfect match for the dorayaki.