Cute-sized ball-shaped rice crackers made by a long-established rice confectioner
Japanese notation "金澤ドルチェ(輪島塩キャラメル)"
“Kanazawa Dolce” made by Kanazawa Kenroku Seika in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, is a caramel-flavored pound cake with “Wajima salt”.
Wajima salt is coarse salt, crystallizing after slowly evaporated at low temperatures. That is a traditional process called “Agehama-style” in Okunoto area. It is said that such coarse salt is smooth, easily melt , and blends well with ingredients. I found subtle flavor of Wajima salt in the Caramel favored pound cake.
Indeed, there is a sense of saltiness that accentuates the rich sweetness of the caramel flavor. I agree. I felt not only simple caramel flavor but its sweetness in depth.