1592 (Higokuni)

Japanese notation "1592(ひごくに)"
“1592 (Higokuni)” a thick raw cheesecake made by Kokondō in Minamiaso Village, Kumamoto Prefecture, is a slightly unusual confectionary whose name is derived from a number.
The name is derived from the 1592-meter-high Mt. Aso in Kumamoto Prefecture and the “Higo-no-Kuni(Land of Higo)” a concept that clearly conveys the fact that the cheesecake is made with ingredients from Minami-Aso.
Looking at the cross section, it is very moist and conveys the feeling of a true raw cheese cake. The main ingredient seems to be “ASOMILK” brand milk from Abe farm, which manufactures dairy products in Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture.
The taste directly conveys the high quality of the raw milk and cheese. I could tell that they are making confections that fully utilize the potential of the rich food ingredients produced by the nature of Minami Aso.