Milk Lemon
Authentic bean paste made with Setouchi lemons, mildly sweet and sour.
Japanese notation "臼杵煎餅"
“Usuki-Senbei” made by “Goto Seika” in Usuki City, Oita Prefecture, is a famous confectionery of Oita Prefecture.
The package depicts the Kosen Ishibutsu Dainichi Nyorai statue of the Usuki Stone Buddha, designated as a national treasure.
This striped pattern is said to represent the grain of the mortar. They use a traditional method of applying honey made from ginger and beet sugar by hand, carefully applying each piece with a brush.
Curved shape.
It is firm and rich in ginger flavor.
The origin of Usuki Sembe is said to be a portable food made from rice, barley, millet, and Japanese millet as food on the way to Edo (present-day Tokyo).