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Nagasaki Castella Honey

長崎カステラ 蜂蜜(和泉屋)

Perfection created by materials and skilled workmanship

“Nagasaki Castella Honey” is made by Izumiya, one of the long-established Nagasaki Castella stores.

長崎カステラ 蜂蜜(和泉屋)のパッケージ

Although the history of Izumiya is relatively short compared to other long-established sponge cake stores, they sell many high quality sponge cakes and are not to be missed as a famous Nagasaki sponge cake store.

長崎カステラ 蜂蜜の見た目

Izumiya owns a contract poultry farm to raise the eggs used to make sponge cakes. We are happy to offer this particular high-quality sponge cake for purchase from a single slice.

長崎カステラ 蜂蜜の断面

The sponge cake dough, made with special eggs, is perfect in both color and texture. It is even beautiful.

長崎カステラ 蜂蜜(和泉屋)を食べてみた

Castella is a simple confectionary, which is why it is said that the ingredients and the baking skills of the artisan are required. It is a luxurious treat with a high degree of perfection that allows you to feel the skillful technique.
