
Japanese notation "柚子かすていら"
“Yuzu-Castella” made by Miyagawa Bussan in Taki County, Mie Prefecture, is a sponge cake lavishly made with “Okuise Yuzu”, a specialty of Odaicho, located at the headwaters of Ise.
Odaicho, which is also close to Yoshino-Kumano, is an area on the Kii Peninsula that has many rainy days, especially during the summer season. The climate seems to be suitable for the cultivation of yuzu, which hates dryness in summer.
I had thought that citrus fruits grow best in full sun, so I was surprised to learn that yuzu has a tendency to dislike dryness in summer.
When halved, the aroma of yuzu spreads. You can see that a lot of yuzu is kneaded into the fruit.
Delicious! Yuzu goes with everything. It has a gorgeous aroma, but it doesn’t interfere with the taste of the ingredients, and it has the characteristic of drawing out their potential.