
Japanese notation "栗紫草"
Taneya, with its main store in Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture, is a large confectionery store that is now well known nationwide, but it is a traditional, long-established confectionery store founded in 1872. This time, I bought “Kuri-murasaki” a seasonal confectionery from “Taneya”.
The shape of this candy looks like it is tied into a drawstring, which is cute. The illustration on the top of the package looks like a bird, but I couldn’t make it out.
When opened, a bite-sized yokan with a fresh texture appears.
When turn it over, I see many chestnuts kneaded inside.
It is filled with chestnuts. The yokan is so soft that it can be easily cut in half with a toothpick, and has the feel of a watery yokan.
You can enjoy the flavor of azuki beans in the mouth-watering yokan while the chestnut flavor is firmly in the foreground. It is a confectionary with superb balance and skill.