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Bura-Bura Monaka


Transparent white bean paste and delicate rice cake

I bought “Burabura monaka” from “Kasho Saemon” established in 1929 in Hakata, Fukuoka.


The package depicts the costumes used during “Hakata Dontaku,” a festival held in May in Hakata, as seen in “Hakata Burabura. The humorous character conveys a sense of humor.


A pleasant expression appeared on Monaka’s face.


Inside, a transparent white bean paste with large red beans sprinkled on top was served. It also had a sticky consistency and seemed to have some syrup mixed in.


The white bean paste and gyuhi are mixed together to create a very delicate red bean paste. There is also a savory flavor of white sesame and a good taste of azuki beans, making it quite a well-crafted and complex flavor. It was an elegant taste that could not be imagined from the expression of the outer monaka dough.
